Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eating my Manolos

I need to lose some weight. I love to eat. I love love love to buy shoes. I enjoy collecting shoes, actually. It doesn't even matter if I ever wear them, I just like to go in my closet and look at them.

But lately our life circumstance hasn't allowed me to buy many (any) nice new shoes. Or so I have said in a kinda whiny voice to my husband. "I REALLY NEED some new shoes..." This coming from the lady who works from home 3 or 4 days a week and really doesn't even go out all that much... Thank God he knows better than to ask WHY I need those $130 shiny high-heeled shoes.

But, ladies - it just occured to me that I've been EATING my shiny new shoes!!!!! Why not lose weight AND get my Manolos????

If I ate half of the portions I've been eating, it would be good for my waistline AND I would likely save enough on the grocery/restaurant bill to justify adding something wonderful to my shoe collection almost EVERY month. Win-win.

Will it work? Check back here in a couple months for pics of the new shoes.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. On the other hand, does that mean if I give up my shoes I can have more wings and beer? Yeah!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Sounds like a plan! Let me know if it works....may be a plan I adopt as well! :)